IdeaSolutions migrated to MAX and saw huge revenue gains

A leading software company in Italy, moved their top-rated file management app, Amerigo, to MAX and saw a 50% increase in total ad revenue.1



Marketing Objective





IdeaSolutions creates innovative software solutions and productivity apps for document archiving and eCommerce. With more than 30 million apps installed and 7 million monthly users, IdeaSolutions is a leading Italian software company.


Naples, Italy

Company Size

< 50





The Challenge

Small Development Team, Big Task

With the consolidation of MoPub, Amerigo needed a long-term monetization partner that could help their team optimize ad revenue with automation, support, and user-friendly tools, with minimal development resources. After migrating to MAX, the team also needed additional assistance to expand, refine, and then optimize their monetization efforts for even greater returns.

The Solution

IdeaSolutions partner with MAX and AppLovin’s team of experts for growth and optimization support

Consulting with AppLovin’s support experts, the Amerigo development team was able to seamlessly migrate from MoPub and immediately begin earning more with MAX’s larger demand. AppLovin support helped guide Amerigo developers through further recommendations to incorporate new networks and increase revenue.

The Results

Increased demand scale + optimizations drove a huge increase in total ad revenue.

Results stats
Switching to MAX drove immediate gains in demand and higher eCPMs, even before optimization efforts began. And with additional networks and optimizations provided by AppLovin experts, IdeaSolutions was able to drive substantial increases in total ad revenue, helping Amerigo increase ARPDAU by 20%, revenue from the AppLovin Exchange (ALX) by 36.3%, and increasing IMP/DAU by 17.5%.1

In Summary

Immediate revenue lift post-migration

AppLovin’s team of experts made migrating to MAX quick and efficient. The transition from MoPub’s Exchange (MPX) to the AppLovin Exchange (ALX) provided immediate improvements – and further optimization to Amerigo’s demand configuration drove additional increases in total ad revenue.

Unlimited scale potential without additional headcount

After migration, AppLovin experts continued to help Amerigo increase their ad revenue through new networks and additional optimizations.

AppLovin experts made it easy to switch, optimize, and increase revenue even more.

AppLovin made it easy to migrate to MAX and we saw immediate improvements by switching, including a 30% ARPDAU lift on iOS. We were surprised to achieve this much of an improvement without additional optimizations. And even after, the AppLovin team continued to help us with additional tools, integrations, and testing, which drove our total revenue even higher.

Ivan Dama

1 AppLovin: April 2022 to May 2022 (MoM)

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