Company News
AppLovin Recognizes Mother’s Day: Reasons We’re Thankful for Our Moms
May 7, 2021

Company News
At AppLovin, we have so much to be thankful for. It’s been quite an incredible year—from our recent announcement that we’re now a publicly-traded company to having Adjust join our team.
We’re extending that gratitude to that person in our lives who has always been there to support, love, and shape who we’ve become—our mothers. So, for this year’s Mother’s Day, we asked AppLovin employees why they’re grateful for the wonderfully wise women that taught us so much about life.
Of course, we also asked about what apps they believe are popular for moms.
“She had four crazy boys to put up with and we somehow all turned out okay!” —Garrett Dare
I am grateful because she put my needs before hers, even when we didn’t get along perfectly.
—Shellie Schenck
“My mom has always been the most supportive, fun, and loving person in my life. Without her, I wouldn’t have grown up to be the man I am today!” —Mathew Schuck
“Mom taught me how to juggle career and small children.” —Carol Miu
“I am so blessed to have a mother who supports me all the time. I couldn’t even imagine one day I could even have a career in the U.S. if without her education and love.” — Lin Ma
“Thanks to my mom’s curiosity and positive attitude, I got to experience different cultures from a very young age which has broadened my perspective. She taught me to never be afraid of stepping out of my bubble.” —Yubin Liu
“I am very thankful and grateful to my mom for being fully supportive of my dreams, aspirations, and my interests during college. It is because of her support and love that I got the best education which has helped me be where I am today. I was able to succeed in so many areas of my life. Always, love you, Mom.” —Manish Belsare
“I’m thankful for my mom because she showed me how to be a strong and loving mother to my own children and how to have fun with them!” —Emelyne Interior
I am thankful for my mom because she isn’t just my mom, she is my best friend. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.
—Brittany Marisco
“She has raised me to be independent, empathetic, and humble. She is one of the most insightful people I know. “—Cheryl Chua
“I’m thankful for how my mom has both extended and exemplified love and support throughout my life, despite not always agreeing with me.” —Shalan Ertis
“‘Scarify’ everything for her kids and always cleaning up my place even it is already clean (in my opinion).” —Tada Kongjonrak
“Taking care of me and her grandson.” —Yuri Kuboyama
“Thank you Mom for teaching me to be kind to everyone around no matter who they are. Thank you for cooking all the best meals and taking care of me before I went away to study abroad.” —Minh Dang
“My mom has always been my rock. I can never thank her enough for helping me get through the good times as well as the bad.” —Shawn Barnett
I am thankful for my mother’s endless love, support, and tireless efforts through all of our family’s adventures. Her sincere appreciation for family, friends, and life is my inspiration for how to truly enjoy all the special moments we are given.
—Haris Wasim
“My mom is the best support system anyone could ask for. She encouraged me to be whacky and bent over backward to enable my dreams even when it pushed her outside of her comfort zone.” —Bethany Frank
“She is always supportive and on my side.” —Kae Mochida
“For showing me that a woman can be a great mother while working– working moms were very rare when I was growing up in Japan.” —Amy Mills
We asked the AppLovin team what kind of apps are most popular with moms. Here’s what they had to say:
The best way is to just say it—whether it’s through a card, phone call, or showing up to spend time together, Mother’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate and show gratitude for your mom.
You could also connect with your mom through a fun mobile game. Here are some of our favorites that Mom might also enjoy: